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I love this game normaly i hate beat games but this one is really fun it's too bad that i am soo bad at it

thanks! you will get better!

Indie nova? :)

yup, maybe thats why the game is about planets haha


I included ADoIaF in my first roundup video: 

(1 edit)

EDIT: This has been resolved, and very quickly at that! Game is great, mechanics are clever as always and the updated graphics are sweet.

Bought the full version but when I run the exe a window opens and then disappears. I can see that it's still running in task manager but it's not using any CPU. (I'm on Windows 8).

Hi! Could you send me an email to I think i could help you solve your problem, thanks!

thank you so much for updating the comment. glad you like the game!


This is an amazing game with an amazing concept! Great job guys!

thank you so much!

I love this game. Feels really great, and really novel. Too hard for me to finish it, but loved what I got to experience of it.

Thank you cyborgx7, really glad you found it novel. We were really happy when we came up with the idea and found it worked with all kinds of rhythms.

Great concept and the execution is wonderful, keep it up!

thanks jackson!

Deleted 6 years ago

thanks for playing them, appreciate it!

9:04 "No! NO!" 

Hahahaha. Yeah I feel you! If I ever want to pick up drums, I'll play this game first.

I've played this game already way to often. Since I picked up base lessons last year, I've been looking for a way to get my rhythm skills to a higher level. The unique thing about this is the orbiting ball that makes you understand how to traverse timing in relation to your previous note. A visual aid that made the click for me.

Played rhythm doc aswell, and i really missed that aid.

Thanks rikwilbrink! Hearing about people improving their rhythm with this game is my favourite thing, thanks for telling me. I'm glad you understand the timing from the geometry, it's a weird system haha. Good luck with bass playing!

Thanks for the well wishes. I'm progressing, not fast, but i'm pretty sure that's progression alone is enough.  I do have a feature request that might improve my skills AND improve the game from a challenge/endorfine perspective, is to color each tile based on your timing. 
So that, for example: beginners know that they're always early on the 2nd and 4th beat. more experienced players might feel compelled to replay for a perfect green path.

I hope it's an easy change, like: currentTile.color = timingToColor(timeDelta); 
(1 edit)

This is a really good idea, and you are right its not hard to implement! it does mean that we wont have the dancing colours on each beat though, i will have to try to see if it looks good. Thank you for the suggestion!

Cool, would love to get notified when it's there.

(1 edit)

We've implemented it in the full version of the game! Here's a preview: The full game will be out here in about a day now. Thank you for the idea!

This is such an affecting game. Sucks you in and you emerge with the atmosphere. I love it.
Although, I've played v0.3.1 so much, v0.4 feels awkward. As a nostalgic memory, I really would like to keep the old version in my archives to listen and play sometimes. 

Is there a way I can download the old version? I would love the response from you even if it is negative.

Hey gokcankrc, thanks for the comment,By the old version, you mean the one that only works with old browsers? unfortunately i dont think i even have that file anymore, sorry. there wasn't enough difference between the versions that i felt i needed to keep it.  If there's something that feels awkward, maybe you can try the downloadable "Lofi" versions at the bottom of the page. Or maybe you can let me know what is it you miss about the old one, because almost everything is exactly the same, just with more bug fixes and slightly different tile graphics!

Hey, is this game still being updated? It was quite a while ago and if you are working 100 % on Rhythm Doctor then I understand, but at least after that game is done could you please work on this game so it is playable again?

hello alexkarate, yeah you are right all my time is being taken by Rhythm Doctor right now. yeah, I do plan to come back to make this game playable again as soon as I can! It's been hard to find time. I'll definitely send a mail to that mailing list to notify the people there about it when its ready though. Thanks for checking in, sorry for how long it's taking!

I really hope you guys update this game again. I love both this and Rhythm Doctor equally. This one has such great music and fun gameplay, I absolutely adore the idea of turning geometry into rhythm. And I cannot get the songs out of my head!

hey GreenToxic, thank you!! I hope we can update it too aah, we are so close now ><

i'm using mozilla, and i still can't play this awesome game :(


sorry about that :( the game is unplayable right now because of the browsers disabling support for the old web player. And making a web compatible version is complicated because the only codebase I have now is more graphics heavy and isnt suited for browser play, and i didn't have a backup of the old one. It'll probably be a while to get it working again.


Oh, ok :(

However, thank you for the information :D

Have a nice day!

Taylor Swift is gone

Fizzd, can i speak with you?? :) (i'm unity developer)

That's awesome! I would like to play on but my hand hurts :D Great job!


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