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Hey fizzd! when you have time will you create a android/ios version?

hey gamerDTN! Haha yeah but its not a priority right now, focusing on steam and switch first


Hey fizzd!

I Called the ChocolateJake in discord and i asked "the youtuber Felps played another version. i can install it?" he say no, "this is the demo for conventions and streamers".

I Can install this demo for my channel?

Call me on the discord: SlayerSz#3089 or call me in e-mail:

My channel is

Thx for reading



hey SlayerSz, thanks for your message. We're not distributing the demo to anyone yet, even most streamers. It was just a special case for felps sorry! ChocolateJake is not part of our development team.


thanks fizzd!


np, thanks for understanding!

this game is incredible, I also saw in the Felps and I very much hope the final version!!!


why whatever i played this game i just got F? Maybe i am a deaf..

haha, try hitting your spacebar harder, maybe that can help. The timing is quite hard.. thanks for playing ~

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Hi, man, I would like to know where to find the music of act 2 of the game '' complete '' that youtuber felps played

could you help me? I Love this Game,its perfect

hey kahuan thanks! The music for act 2 is called All the Times, sung by Fokushi and Dianna, and written by me. We still haven't released it, but we will when the game is finished, sorry! Check back here in a few months!

(2 edits) (+1)

ok, thanks

Dude, a youtuber create a video with this music!Look 

aha yeah we started 'secret' preorders so its fine!

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Wow! I really liked this game Fizzd! Congrats,but i want to know,i know a youtuber called Felps,and he played a version of this game on his channel and i really liked it! I tried finding it but i didn't find it,can you please say wich version is that and how i can play it? (Sorry if i typed something wrong,im brazilian and i don't know too much of English)

hi tyor thank you!! yeah we gave felps something just for him, its not ready for public yet unfortunately. You can sign up for us to email you when you can play the full version though:

thanks! and your english is great!

(2 edits)

Without words that incredible game, the idea that you had to make this game was very good. I played only the beta of the game and it became my favorite game. I'm looking forward to the full game ...

Congratulations on your work and the whole team of the game.

thank you nicolas, glad you like it! check back here in a few months for the full game!

Deleted 6 years ago

Good Job Fizzd! This is one of my favorite games.

But I have to know ... Felps played a 'latest version' on his channel ... And I did not find the version he had.

Can you help me with that?

Video:  ( Starts at 6:08 )


Im also kinda messed up with that too, i saw him playing and i didnt even watched all the video i came here, because man, this immersion and precise rhythm game that plays with your mind its somenthing i never seen before and i ALREDY LOVE IT. 

But i dont find this newer version anywhere, i just get myself here on this flash version... without these cool irregular beats , "get" "set" that plays with your desktop. It may be not even the full game, but, dude, its more than enough to give me a smile on my face when i play this game, i just LOVE rhythm games. Crypt of the necrodancer, Guitar hero, Step Mania or any game with Beat interaction feels so good to play and this game is no exception, its actually a GOLD one in the middle of everything! The way you interact with the beats and the distractions, irregular beats  and all that stuff its totally new, fresh and just so damn CREATIVE! Im having fun with the flash version but i just cant stop C R A V I N G for that version Felps got. Please dont tell me its that "famous youtuber privelegies" over other players ;-; !!!  


Another person also has a version similar to this, so this could be a closed beta for those who supported it on steam perhaps? Idk.

thank you so much! really appreciate your message!! we love all those rhythm games too haha, you should try this one too if you haven't played it btw:

as for the newer levels, not ready yet sorry, but we'll let our mailing list know as soon as its ready and maybe have some exclusive things to play on there soon:


Hey Dalcin thank you! I'm glad you like it. Felps version isn't ready for public yet, we just gave it for him to show since he asked us for a newer demo. But if you sign up on our mailing list, you'll get to know when the full game is out and those levels are ready! (maybe there'll be something private too for mailing list people..):

Okie, but Thanks anyways. =)

Hey fizzd, I love the game and the idea is brilliant, you're a genius... I felt in love with "Intimate" and tried to find a Guitar cover for it... The only one that I found is kinda miswritten... If you had or could send me one I'd be so grateful man... Keep up

hey Rafyy, sure, I wrote this one a while back, hope it helps, and thank you for the compliment!

Thank you so much man, keep up the great work


HOW CAN I DOWNLOAD THE "complete" VERSION fizzzd ????

NOT YET! sorry! game out later this year, you can sign up if you want us to email you when its out~

2000% one of my favourite games ever and it's not even out yet! Found the game by accident about a week ago and I've played it more than half my games. Keep up the great work and am excited to get the full game when it comes out.

Keep your rhythm going!

Thank you so much Asaous!! Made my day :D

No problem you deserve it. Just found the little headache thing, nice touch.

haha nice job finding that easter egg

Any others in the demo for me to find or will I have to keep my grubby paws clean of them until full release?

a secret level needs you to S rank the hardest level in the demo, but other than that nope. all the eggs are going into the full version basket for now sorry 


Man, I seriously loved this little demo. You guys did a fantastic job.  Really really looking forward to the full game in the near(?) future! 

thank you CHickenfrIED! and, near-ish future heh, still working on it...

fizzd,i loved your game! it is pretty hard though.. but i did it! and i pretty excited to play the  full version. can u plz send to me the closed beta version (sorry for my bad english im brazilian.)

hello jfrc. thank you!! the closed beta is really closed sorry, if you sign up to the mailing list you will be able to know when you can buy the full version though, it should definitely be this year!

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 Make A Version For Playstation 4

This Game Is Fantastic ^u^

maybe in the future, but for now we are only working on PC and Switch first since we are just a small team. really glad you like the game!


can someone help me?
i need to find the same version that felps played on his live

I Need too

(1 edit)

ei, a versão demo ta aqui na parte de cima para baixar



can you send me the text that appears at the end of act 3? (one shift more)
I'm putting on a Brazilian music site, the lyrics to other people addicted to this song read !, but if you do not allow it, I will not continue the project ..

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Hello, ohh i'm so sorry for the late reply, I somehow missed this comment. Yes of course I allow it, it's an honour to see my lyrics translated to another language. I uploaded the lyrics file for you here:

Thank you for translating it!

Hi! Thank for send the lyrics for me!, i've been finished the translation for portuguese, but i'm waiting for the lyrics is accepted by the site, but in the future, i can make a community of this game in the brazilian country?

Hey, thank you for doing it, really appreciate it!

We have a Brazilian community on already actually! you can join that, but you can make your own if you want too. Thank you ^^        this is the translation of the music in a google document, I am sending in case you put in discord or somewhere else. Thanks for the game, its beautiful and CRAZY!, I'm looking forward to the full version.


im soo excited for the official release, i love games like these. keep up the great work :^D


thank you bliip!


Best rhythm game ever.


ah that is high praise, thanks!

How come on the page it said that levels like delay pedal and one shift more were sent. Can i play those or no cause i heard the songs and it would be awesome to play one shift after beating the demo like "7" times. Btw keep up the great work i love this game!


So good .-.

mobile version would be great


agreed, we're aiming to work on it after the desktop & Switch version! It will take some time because we will need to cut down some of the effects for it to run smoothly on mobile.


How do I download the version that Felps played in your video? (the first 15 minutes)


when i get my onw money i will suport you

someone help me, when I finish the tutorial the next level says:  '' Patience: Approaching '' and it never ends, please, is there something that i'm doing wrong?

we've had this problem before, here's the solution if you're playing the offline version: you need to extract the ZIP file first! If it's the online version then please let me know. thanks :)


yeah man it worked, acctually i just needed to extract the files.. haha thanks a lot 


annd hey, when are u guys going to release the full version?


This is such a great game! I cant wait until the full version

thank you!




This game reminds me of my childhood when I spent the whole afternoon playing internet games...good times,  thank you very much for reminding me of this with this beautiful game. I will donate soon as I can!

Glad to hear, thank you :)

This game is so amazing, and btw felpinho brought me here


He has brought a lot of people here haha, we appreciate his video, and I'm glad you like the game!

but on his video he played a diferent version than this one. can we play too or we need to wait the complete game? i already finished the game in my pc, and i need those other levels ;-;

I specifically made an account just so I could make this comment. For some reason, this game is extremely charming to me, which is saying a lot because I get bored of most rhythm games within an hour of purchase. I'll definitely be donating as soon as I can. Great work!!

really glad you like what we're doing differently Von Falla, thanks for the comment!

This game is really really good, guys

thank you!





Things got real crazy real fast


I cannot wait for this game to be out on Steam, I have been playing it ever since 2013. What can I say? The music is amazing (how many different styles there are), the gameplay is simple yet addictive, and I love how it teaches different things in music, like dotted eighth rhythms or 7/8 time to spice things up. The artwork is also adorable. I am a huge fan of Rhythm Heaven so of course I would love this game!!


thank you (again)!! we are really glad you have stayed with the game for so long, really appreciate it!

This game was amazing. Cannot wait to pay for the full game on steam.

Thank you for the playthrough!! You guys are great. Note you can enable a two player mode with the capslock key that might be fun :)

Will you make this a mobile game?

Planning on it but a looot later, maybe next year.

The music is awesome is there anyway I can get the music?

Hey thanks, I composed the ones in the Flash demo :) You can find them on my soundcloud ( or in the Offline version of the game on this page.

(1 edit)

This game is awesome! However I do have a question, when the game comes to Steam, how much will the game cost?

Thanks! We'll figure it out when we finish the game in just a few months and can evaluate the value, but most probably around $10-$15!

Deleted post

Thanks, yeah that's exactly what we're going for with the level progression! Really happy you felt that way. Steam release this year 99%, and this half of this year 90%, we're working hard!

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