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1.5x might be my limit

im on 1.2x (:

beat it, but why is there a 1.1x ):

i got 97% on 3-x ):

I cant even beat 1-X

im poor and i cant download the full version :(



(1 edit)

So are we just gonna keep repeating same in the replies or?(Not to be rude or anything.)(I'm awake and my fingers hurt like shit-)

lol ong tho

bro in one of my comments there were a lot of people commenting 'same' like they were filling up my notifications-


Hey, it’s nice! I wish the calibration step was clearer though: it says you can “join in anytime” but in fact, you need to repeat the beats a certain number of times to complete the calibration. So I was looking for a secret button to join or anything (but then it wouldn’t really be one-button).

Maybe showing a number of calibration beats left would be better. Also a hint that you should enable audio (I had mine shut down), and visual indication of the beat too. Fortunately there is at least the the disc rotating so I could evaluate the beat period, but I certainly had an offset to the actual beat.

Maybe this is already done in the Steam version? If so, and you don’t want to spend time upgrading the free version, you could just add instructions on the itch page.

very good game much love <3 very nice myusch lucbe

Autoplay actually loses when you get to "the windup (4.999998x)

What's autoplay and how do I activate it

press "a" when on a level


(1 edit)

yea, but after speed 2.3 the song is not even enjoyable, so it doesn't really matter at that high of a speed

and besides, people don't have a good enough reaction time to pass speeds of 2.1, so there's no real reason to get that far

good on you for spending an hour on this game tho

thanks I guess lol


i remember when this game was free lol


The game is too hard to be enjoyable :(


you dunno how to play then

beat the whole game and am new to rhythm games

Yeah, maybe it's hard for me XD

nah, believe it or not you can enjoy it to, even if you're so bad you can't get past 1-x

even you can make it to the furthest difficulty in this game

Da furthest difficulty is only possible by buying adofai and neo cosmos

3-X is hard to me but it is very fun


2-X is not on beat at all 


Yeah that's the point


that is why it is called offbeats


i know the fire and ice balls are circling them self but i cant stop thinking they are playing a weird leap frog lmao

Bro same lol

3-X (1.4x) is really hard

(1 edit)

Imma try it

Edit: beat it first try somehow

(1 edit) (-9)

bro i bought this shitty game edit: i beat the game and played custom levels pretty good fucking game


skill issue 🙏 get better 

lol imagine getting the full game + the dlc be like

'Wutz this???? WHATS THIS?!?!?!?!??!'



nah your just bad

3-x the wind-up (1,2x) is really but really difficult.



i could beat that in no time.

(1 edit)

I got to 1.4x, but at that point you need to start using 2 fingers (still possible with one finger, but really really hard)

I bought this game for a very simple reason: I saw videos of Korone, Okayu, Mio and Fubuki of Hololive playing it.

And it is a great game.

whenever i launch the game and i go to the wind-up 1x it feels slow

great game, bought on steam



bought on right here + the dlc too cuz why nto its cool

but amazing game 

3-x is super laggy 


get a better cheap PC

LOL then imagine getting the full game it'll be even more laggy (for you i guess idkk)

great game love it i have alot of lag thogh so 3-x is impossible

Deleted 2 years ago

"great game love it" part is good but "i have a lot of lag though so 3-x is impossible" is un-accepted!


and get a better PC

great game. hard but good music.

3-X is extremely hard

awsome man


in 2-X i can't go up 

i got up, just i died on the 3rd to last beat

That's a mood


yeah, it's just the pressure... it leaves a hole in your gut and it feels like 2 hours have passed but it's only 2 seconds, the next one you realize you just died on the 3rd to last beat 4 times back to back.



There are any chances of getting the DLC Neo Cosmos on this release of the game?


it's out now!

It is a really good rythm game ! The first levels are a good and quite easy introduction, but the latter levels require some training. Very nice !

The game doesnt launch on mac, it says that there are missing files, I tried multiple times but I couldnt launch it.

did the first 2 in 1 try but the last level i did in like 20 lmao

really fun just suer hard

I have no rhythm xD - 1-X is impossible for me. Suddenly so fast wow :D



Deleted 174 days ago

i meant the keyboard stuff

It is a one button game. It doesn't matter which button or key you use. You just have to hit at the right time.

how do i start the game? i cant even figure out the world select screen

one square is one quarter note


that doesn't help

It also took me some time to figure out. After the calibration step, the world select screen plays like the normal game: press any key when the red or purple disc is above a tile/square. It will move you to that square. Then it’s a matter of timing and rhythm.

I think the animated GIF on the Steam page ( show it better than on this page.

I also think the page generally speaking should just explain how it works.

lol that's confusing for the average player




no cap this game is good ( I'm replying to you in particular because I'm also chinese


I can play this version through in one try, speedrun time lmao. Bought the full version on steam. Performance, art and especially the custom level design is so trippy and so fun. 12/10 was worth it. 

This game is cool :D

(3 edits) (+4)(-27)

i pirated this game and i'm not going to buy it :D
2/10, would not play again










bro chill every one has there own opinion

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